Ella did it! Yesterday she told me to let go of the bike and on she went! She is so funny though that girl. After just a short bit of me letting go she felt as though she was expert enough to not have to look where she was going. She was looking over at the neighbors, trying to look behind her to see what Sophie was doing, looking to make sure Mom was watching and in the mean time almost ran into a curb, me as I was running beside her, and a tree. I was nervous, mom was nervous, squirrels were nervous. But she did it just the same. The girl who can focus enough to do well with reading is so oblivious to the rest of the world around her at times. In fact, she felt so confident, she wanted me to get on my bike and ride beside her. No way sister, you aren't that good yet. You still need me to run beside you to make sure you don't injure yourself or some little kid. Of course I shared my joy on Facebook and took all the credit due to my fine teaching skills. Of course my sister-in-law questioned me but I know it was my superior ability to hang onto the bike seat and the meaningless advice I gave the ultimately helped Ella succeed so quickly.

Speaking of succeeding, we are so proud of Kaitlyn. Some kids have trouble with science. Some with math. Kaitlyn ultimately struggles with spelling. We tried to offer her money if she got perfect scores on her tests. I think she tried so hard one time that it got her sick. All year she struggled to get that perfect score. Now towards the end of the year it was starting to wear on her even more as she worried that she would never be a good speller. Of course I told her that spelling will come and the more she writes the better she will get. Also to settle her down I told her she was lucky she lived in this new digital age as computers will let you know when you spelled something wrong and they will only get smarter. But I was quick to point out not to use it as an excuse. Well finally. FINALLY, on her very last week of spelling for the year she got them all right PLUS the challenge word, so she got a 105% on her test and doesn't have to take it again on Friday. On Monday I gave her one last push and said if you get this last one I'll give you $20 and I think Mom pitched in on some other offer. I guess we have to make good on our offer now. We are proud of her as she worked hard for it all year, struggled with it, and finally got a payoff before the school year is done. I am a proud dad.
The Pioneer woman probably didn't have to teach her boy how to ride horse. Of course, she was probably cooking while I went to our school picnic. But boy you should have seen the cookies I brought to share at the picnic. They were so good and made from scratch.....at our grocery store.
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