Friday, May 11, 2012

Pilot Post

May 11, 2012

Been listening to podcasts quite a bit lately and all they keep telling me is do what you are passionate about and/or what you know something about.  There are many interests I have, one of which is traveling so I wanted to do a blog on traveling and since I have lived in the Northern Plains/Upper Midwest all my life I thought I could do a blog on traveling up here in the north.  Problem is I feel as though the blog would be more beneficial if I included pictures of these places I visited through my life.  Which I have none other than older pictures and I want more updated pictures of places to see.  Then I thought about what my life was like when I grew up on the farm.  Which is kind of cool and nostalgic and maybe I’ll keep that one going but wondered if that will really go anywhere.  I have one about foolish things employers and employees do to which I have a lot of examples but there is two things wrong there. For one, I don’t want to burn any bridges by writing about screwball things and two, I really don’t have the passion there (at least at the moment). 

So what is my life about?  I like to golf and storm chase but I don’t do either one of those on a regular basis.  I have many different interests but a master of none.  I don’t have the time go out and pursue my interests at the moment because I am so busy raising my three girls which is a full-time gig of itself.  AH HA!!!  Light bulbs went off because my three girls consume a great deal of my time.  I have traded in my life interest of weather and traded it in for a 9-5 job as an accountant strictly for them.  I put things I like to do because I want them to be able to do different activities and projects.  Most of my life now revolves around them.  I am sort of the opposite of the Pioneer Woman.  I am a man who grew up in the country and has now moved into the “city” (if you can call Grand Forks, ND a city).  I can’t imagine getting my own show like she did.  I am not sure what they would show, me making tacos from a taco kit?  Or perhaps slinging PB&J’s around for lunch? I don’t make the great looking for she does.  But alas these three precious girls do consume my life and hopefully, from a dad with children that are all girls (ages 9, 6, and 4), I can spread some thoughts, advice, and humor to other parents with daughters, specifically dads or would be dads.  My final reason to do this is to hopefully leave some sort of history book for my girls when they grow up.  Something they can look back on when they get older and remember their lives gone past.

So here’s hoping I can keep this up.  If not for myself and others reading it, but for my daughters.  I am not the best father or always do what they want me to, but I hope they can read this later in life and realize how much I love them.  Oh, and to you guys out there (young and old perverts), don’t even think of touching my kids, there is nothing a dad won’t do to protect his daughters.  They already know, no being with boys until you are at least 27.  Here’s to being a father of daughters. 

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