We got a note from Ella's teacher today. At her school they start out at a reading level of AA. Their goal by the end of the year is to be at a reading level around C. Ella, the child who probably says the damndest things the most often, the child who said "what the hell" right as we are getting ready to cross the street to her new Catholic school last fall, the girl who lost her Mothers Day gift she made for mom and found it under her pillow 3 DAYS LATER, is reading at a level E!! "I guess E is for Ella" she exclaimed when I asked her about it. No use arguing with a reading expert there. We are obviously very proud and figured already she was doing pretty good when she reads to us at home. We always read stories or have our children read at least one story if they can each night before bed. Ella has been reading some harder words and is able to sound out the words if she needs to.
As long as we are on the subject of reading quick. Our oldest has really come along this year. She is finally up to where she needs to be for her grade. She also reads every night and will often ask if she can read even if it is late, which we usually grant. We don't want to squash that habit and hopefully she continues to enjoy reading.
Ella's other semi-glorious achievement was her ability to ride bike without training wheels. We started out and she did really good starting out and thought about letting go for a brief second and then she started to wobble and I had to keep hanging on. I was never able to fully let go of the seat but she did OK for the first time. We went around the park two times and my back was killing me from having to bend over and run at the same time. Something my fat body can't handle anymore. I should probably hope I have to do more of that so I can work off some pounds but I think I'll skip that particular cardio workout if I can.
Little girls; there is always something to look forward to when you have them in your life. Today it was accomplishments for one particular one. We are always proud of them all. Everyone should be. Always tell them how proud you are and watch them smile and give you hugs. I can tell my oldest loves hearing me praise her for something. Her voice softens sweetly and then she hugs me as she says "thanks Dad". And it's not just the oldest but the younger two as well. It makes me feel good too knowing I am building their confidence and making them stronger women for later in life.
And Pioneer Woman, we had a damn good beef sandwich. Don't ask me how to make it but it was good. And I submit that my child riding something on two wheels is cuter than your boy riding something with four legs.
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