Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Allergies and End of School

So we had to bring Ella in the other day cause after her asthma flared up again, so did her “spots” that was originally diagnosed as gionatti crostoti….or something Italian like that.  This latest flare up of spots seem to be just a tad different but whatever the case, Ella’s primary doctor made an appointment at the dermatologist.  Ella was asking about the appointment and I must have mentioned that maybe she was allergic to something.  So hanging on that notion, Ella later said, “ I hope I am allergic to pork chops or chili”…gee, can you guess which foods she doesn’t care to eat? 

Girls are down to their last couple of days of school. Today was their field day at the park and it sounds like they are brining most of their stuff home today as well.   We are glad the busy school year is done BUT we don’t have anyone to watch these same kids over the summer now.  We had a summer sitter lined up where us and another family would pay the girl to watch four of our children.  Well she went and took two other jobs in the mean time and now we are left high and dry.  School ends tomorrow, then they go to my parents for a week.  So we have a week-and-a-half to figure out how they are going to survive over the summer.  Kaitlyn would be good enough to stay by herself for long periods of time but not so sure about Ella.  Panic is starting to set in.

Speaking of panic (and a little off the normal subject), I am developing a video from still pictures to make a photo montage for a lady in Minneapolis.  I am getting nervous cause it’s for graduation and it is coming up soon and I have 1 ½ songs to do yet.  Hopefully I can get this wrapped up over the next couple of days.
Ree (Pioneer Woman), last night my wife made the best cheese sandwiches, and you’ll never know that it came from your cookbook.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Riding Without Training Wheels/Perfect Score!

Ella did it!  Yesterday she told me to let go of the bike and on she went!  She is so funny though that girl.  After just a short bit of me letting go she felt as though she was expert enough to not have to look where she was going.  She was looking over at the neighbors, trying to look behind her to see what Sophie was doing, looking to make sure Mom was watching and in the mean time almost ran into a curb, me as I was running beside her, and a tree. I was nervous, mom was nervous, squirrels were nervous.  But she did it just the same.  The girl who can focus enough to do well with reading is so oblivious to the rest of the world around her at times. In fact, she felt so confident, she wanted me to get on my bike and ride beside her.  No way sister, you aren't that good yet.  You still need me to run beside you to make sure you don't injure yourself or some little kid. Of course I shared my joy on Facebook and took all the credit due to my fine teaching skills.  Of course my sister-in-law questioned me but I know it was my superior ability to hang onto the bike seat and the meaningless advice I gave the ultimately helped Ella succeed so quickly.

Speaking of succeeding, we are so proud of Kaitlyn.  Some kids have trouble with science.  Some with math.  Kaitlyn ultimately struggles with spelling.  We tried to offer her money if she got perfect scores on her tests.  I think she tried so hard one time that it got her sick.  All year she struggled to get that perfect score.  Now towards the end of the year it was starting to wear on her even more as she worried that she would never be a good speller.  Of course I told her that spelling will come and the more she writes the better she will get.  Also to settle her down I told her she was lucky she lived in this new digital age as computers will let you know when you spelled something wrong and they will only get smarter.  But I was quick to point out not to use it as an excuse.  Well finally.  FINALLY, on her very last week of spelling for the year she got them all right PLUS the challenge word, so she got a 105% on her test and doesn't have to take it again on Friday.  On Monday I gave her one last push and said if you get this last one I'll give you $20 and I think Mom pitched in on some other offer.  I guess we have to make good on our offer now.  We are proud of her as she worked hard for it all year, struggled with it, and finally got a payoff before the school year is done.  I am a proud dad.

The Pioneer woman probably didn't have to teach her boy how to ride horse.  Of course, she was probably cooking while I went to our school picnic.  But boy you should have seen the cookies I brought to share at the picnic.  They were so good and made from our grocery store.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

E is for Ella

I am always proud of my girls.  Everyday I wonder what they did or learned today.  I ask them everyday and everyday I get the response, "I don't know". Then I always ask them if they were there today, they don't quite understand what I mean when I ask that.  But today I think Ella had a very productive day.  Not because she told us but because a note was sent home from her teacher and also because I was there when she was trying to learn how to ride a bike, sweating my nuts off in 85 degree weather in the process. 

We got a note from Ella's teacher today. At her school they start out at a reading level of AA.  Their goal by the end of the year is to be at a reading level around C.  Ella, the child who probably says the damndest things the most often, the child who said "what the hell" right as we are getting ready to cross the street to her new Catholic school last fall, the girl who lost her Mothers Day gift she made for mom and found it under her pillow 3 DAYS LATER, is reading at a level E!!  "I guess E is for Ella" she exclaimed when I asked her about it. No use arguing with a reading expert there.  We are obviously very proud and figured already she was doing pretty good when she reads to us at home.  We always read stories or have our children read at least one story if they can each night before bed.  Ella has been reading some harder words and is able to sound out the words if she needs to.

As long as we are on the subject of reading quick.  Our oldest has really come along this year.  She is finally up to where she needs to be for her grade.  She also reads every night and will often ask if she can read even if it is late, which we usually grant.  We don't want to squash that habit and hopefully she continues to enjoy reading.

Ella's other semi-glorious achievement was her ability to ride bike without training wheels.  We started out and she did really good starting out and thought about letting go for a brief second and then she started to wobble and I had to keep hanging on.  I was never able to fully let go of the seat but she did OK for the first time.  We went around the park two times and my back was killing me from having to bend over and run at the same time.  Something my fat body can't handle anymore.  I should probably hope I have to do more of that so I can work off some pounds but I think I'll skip that particular cardio workout if I can.

Little girls; there is always something to look forward to when you have them in your life. Today it was accomplishments for one particular one.  We are always proud of them all.  Everyone should be.  Always tell them how proud you are and watch them smile and give you hugs.  I can tell my oldest loves hearing me praise her for something.  Her voice softens sweetly and then she hugs me as she says "thanks Dad".  And it's not just the oldest but the younger two as well.  It makes me feel good too knowing I am building their confidence and making them stronger women for later in life.

And Pioneer Woman, we had a damn good beef sandwich.  Don't ask me how to make it but it was good.  And I submit that my child riding something on two wheels is cuter than your boy riding something with four legs.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

Of course even this egotistical dad needs to step back once in a while and recognize the women who make it possible for schmucks like me to even become a dad.  If you are a first time dad or even expecting your third child (or more) it is a wonderous thing to have your lovely wife pregnant.  If you are like me, you feel bad for all that she has to go through.  Not only getting larger and putting up with the hormones and wierd cravings or getting sick of things that normally doesn't get you sick, but you have to push a bowling ball out your butt to top it all off.  I know I sure wouldn't want to do that. 

I remember my wife suddenly getting sick when onions would be cooking on the stove or in the oven.  She loves onions in recipies but when she got pregnant, it mader her want to gag.  She wanted to eat more but knew she had to also make sure not to over do it either.  I've known some women that got "morning sickness" so bad that they were literally out of work for a couple of weeks of their pregnancy because they could not keep their food down.  After a while they had no choice but to tough it out and that has to suck. 

With pregnancy there are the miracles as well. Seeing the baby on the ultrasound for the first time or feeling the little feet and hands bump against the moms stomach.  For all of my wife's pregnancies, but especially the first two, I would often come home late after work and she would be sleeping.  I would curl up with her in bed and put my hand on her stomach and it would seem that is when the little girls were the most active.  I love it, love it, love it!  I would push back to see if there was a response.  Sometimes it would seem like I would get one.  Nothing better as your wife is laying so still and you play with the little miracle inside her.  That's something special. 

So I guess I managed to turn mothers day about me.  So in order to redeem myself....first thank you mom for the gift of life and taking care of me all those years.  I look back at the love I try to show my girls and I know that is what you felt and I thank you for that.  I can never repay you for what you have done for me.  Second, thank you to my wife for my three beautiful daughters.  They can be a handful at times.  In fact, today was one of those days as our middle child had a sip of coffee this morning and the hyperness seemed to last her from church right on through supper time tonight.  But I know I will look back on all the times with hearfelt love.

Show your mom and your wife you love them in any way possible. Be it a simple card, calling them, picking a single flower, take the kids for the day, or even clean the house for them, show them what they mean to you, after all they deserve it and they made me the dad I am today. 

And of course, Pioneer Woman, happy mothers day to you as well.  My wife made chili and some damn good brownies, even on mothers day.  Wonder what the Pioneer Woman had? :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Washing the Car

Oh yeah!  The girls washed my car today. Kaitlyn was rather bored as Ella was at a neighbor's house so she decided it was warm enough to wash the car.  She didn't do too bad a job either.  I just backed the car out, filled up the bucket with soap and water and let her and Sophie go (Sophie cleaned the car with a water gun).

Well when Ella came back and found out she was rather upset that she didn't get to do it.  So I told her to go out and help because they were not done.  But that wasn't good enough because she wanted to do it from the start.  Dad should have known!  Where was my head on this one? So she cried and mom was on the phone so I told her to cry in some other room and eventually she realized crying was useless and she went out to help and all was right in the world once again. 

All three of them helped and like I said, they didn't do too bad of a job. It does sparkle a little more but the windows were a little streaky.
Just don't let them climb on the car to do it.  I still have some footprints on the trunk!

The "Blue Velvet" getting a wash

It's important to allow your kids to do some of these things they like to do.  Especially when it helps you in the end.  Don't be afraid that they may actually mess things up a little worse.  The first time they tried to wash my car the windows were filthy but I think they did a better job this time.  I did thank all three of them separately for doing it and of course I got the obligatory "you're welcome Dad!" from them.  Now if I can just get them to vacuum, Oh my God it sucks to go in the inside now!

Dear Pioneer Woman, we made a mushroom chicken for supper with asparagus and strawberries.  Eat your heart out!

Daughters in Sports

Saturdays are normally spent doing some other extra curricular activity for the girls.  Most of year it involves dance, but now that I am done being a dance dad it is time for me to be the sports dad.  Something I enjoy doing but the competitiveness in me comes out and wants to see them do their best. 

Today Ella (our 6 year old) had T-ball this morning.  She does rather well compared to most of the rest of the kids there but she is at the top of the age group that is out on the field at the time so it figures she would do a little better.  She does OK batting but she needs a better stance and needs to remember to keep that back elbow up. It's always pointing at the ground.  This week she did better hitting than in the past.  It seemed her form was better.  Where I am most impressed is her fielding.  She is still a little afraid of the ball when she tries to catch it out of the air but when it is a ground ball she knows to get down in front of if and get rid of it as quick as she can.  When she is in too big of a hurry she will not throw it as far but when she slows down just a bit shes got a good arm on her.  I was surprised.  She also runs well but just a little lazy.  It's funny but I can see a better running form from Ella than I do from our flat-footed 9 year old, Kaitlyn.  I wonder if Ella could beat Kaitlyn in a foot race?

Kaitlyn had volleyball afterwards.  Again, we always thought she might not be quite the sporty one but more the dramatic one.  She did OK in volleyball but she flailed around a little bit trying to go after the ball.  There is definitely a disconnect from her and the other players who seem to have a little more athletice ability to them.  One girl unfortunately kept running all over the place and jumping in front of Kaitlyn.  She comes from a family of know-it-alls that we have to deal with in dance already.  I wasn't positive of it at first if it was this lady's child but then sure enough after volleyball was done, in she went into the same vehicle and I'm thinking, go frickin figure.  Have some courtesy or teach your kids some cause I know the mom doesn't have any.  But I digress, I am getting off topic.  Kaitlyn does need to have more rigid arms when she plays volleyball.  It seems the ball dominates her hand instead of the other way around.  Afterwards practice she shot a basketball and made it....Hmmmmmm, dad is thinking.  I just wonder.....

In the end I know it is not all about how good they are, as long as they enjoy the game.  So I encourage them the best I can. Give them tips after the game/practice is over on what to do differently.  Above it all I tell them good job no matter what they did out there because a little girls psychy is fragile.  I don't agree on everyone getting a ribbon or that everyone is a winner.  In my book there will be winners and there will be losers but I will always praise my kids for trying, especially if I know they tried their hardest.  For that, you win the mental game.  You win the self esteem game and when you have daughters, that is the most important game to win in the end.  You want a daughter who is sure of herself and knows that sometimes you will fail in things and other times you won't and that through it all, remain gracious, humble and remain confident and hopefully satisfied that they did something they enjoy doing. 
Oh, Pioneer Woman, last night I made frozen pizza and this afternoon it was ham sandwiches.  Beat that!  Sign me up for my own show!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Pilot Post

May 11, 2012

Been listening to podcasts quite a bit lately and all they keep telling me is do what you are passionate about and/or what you know something about.  There are many interests I have, one of which is traveling so I wanted to do a blog on traveling and since I have lived in the Northern Plains/Upper Midwest all my life I thought I could do a blog on traveling up here in the north.  Problem is I feel as though the blog would be more beneficial if I included pictures of these places I visited through my life.  Which I have none other than older pictures and I want more updated pictures of places to see.  Then I thought about what my life was like when I grew up on the farm.  Which is kind of cool and nostalgic and maybe I’ll keep that one going but wondered if that will really go anywhere.  I have one about foolish things employers and employees do to which I have a lot of examples but there is two things wrong there. For one, I don’t want to burn any bridges by writing about screwball things and two, I really don’t have the passion there (at least at the moment). 

So what is my life about?  I like to golf and storm chase but I don’t do either one of those on a regular basis.  I have many different interests but a master of none.  I don’t have the time go out and pursue my interests at the moment because I am so busy raising my three girls which is a full-time gig of itself.  AH HA!!!  Light bulbs went off because my three girls consume a great deal of my time.  I have traded in my life interest of weather and traded it in for a 9-5 job as an accountant strictly for them.  I put things I like to do because I want them to be able to do different activities and projects.  Most of my life now revolves around them.  I am sort of the opposite of the Pioneer Woman.  I am a man who grew up in the country and has now moved into the “city” (if you can call Grand Forks, ND a city).  I can’t imagine getting my own show like she did.  I am not sure what they would show, me making tacos from a taco kit?  Or perhaps slinging PB&J’s around for lunch? I don’t make the great looking for she does.  But alas these three precious girls do consume my life and hopefully, from a dad with children that are all girls (ages 9, 6, and 4), I can spread some thoughts, advice, and humor to other parents with daughters, specifically dads or would be dads.  My final reason to do this is to hopefully leave some sort of history book for my girls when they grow up.  Something they can look back on when they get older and remember their lives gone past.

So here’s hoping I can keep this up.  If not for myself and others reading it, but for my daughters.  I am not the best father or always do what they want me to, but I hope they can read this later in life and realize how much I love them.  Oh, and to you guys out there (young and old perverts), don’t even think of touching my kids, there is nothing a dad won’t do to protect his daughters.  They already know, no being with boys until you are at least 27.  Here’s to being a father of daughters.