It was a bit of warm week and the girls loved jumping into pools this week. Kaitlyn has been going to UND reading camp. It started on Monday and to her delight, there were plenty of kids from St. Michaels there, including Naomi Lee. Kaitlyn really seems to enjoy it. She gets up well, goes right to her "teacher" when she comes out and is smiling when she gets back in the car when we pick her up. Well pleased with whatever is going on there. She got in the car one day telling me they learned about haiku's. UND has plenty of summer camps for kids and they seem to do a good job putting all of them on. Unfortunately, after we learned of all the St. Mike's kids, we realized we maybe should have put Ella in it too. I had fun one night with Kaitlyn when it was just her and I at home and we pretended to play basketball together, practiced passing and pretending there was a hoop on the garage. I don't know why my mind gets occupied with things to do at home or why playing with the kids seems like more work than...well work but I am always glad when I take the time to play with them, if even for a little bit. I remember those little times my dad took to do something, so hopefully this sticks out in my daughters mind years from now. I like playing basketball and shooting hoops so hopefully we can get a real hoop and her and I can have more times like that.
Ella has been enjoying going to the pool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She learned the first week that Isabel Vonesh would also be at the pool so that was the icing on the cake. Yesterday Ella went to Vonesh's to play all day and then met us at St. Michael's where we got to meet all the new teachers and new principal. Apperently Ella and Isabel were left with Isabel's older sister for a while cause she talked about sneaking berries and picking up poop. That was lovely.
Sophie continues to go to Shannon's for day care. She is jealous however that the girls often would get to sleep longer than her. This week wasn't quite as bad because Kaitlyn has had to get up in order to go to reading camp. On Tuesday she fell asleep in my car on the way home from daycare. It was almost 5:30 when she fell asleep and she slept the remainder of the night. We could not wake her up for nothing so we took a chance and let her go.
This weekend is our annual camping trip and I think I get as excited as the kids. Always a good group of people even though a few of them have their issues, don't we all. Some are just more public with their issues. It's always a good time no matter what. I wish I could take more time and go to Auger's cabin afterwards.
I love my girls.
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