Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

Of course even this egotistical dad needs to step back once in a while and recognize the women who make it possible for schmucks like me to even become a dad.  If you are a first time dad or even expecting your third child (or more) it is a wonderous thing to have your lovely wife pregnant.  If you are like me, you feel bad for all that she has to go through.  Not only getting larger and putting up with the hormones and wierd cravings or getting sick of things that normally doesn't get you sick, but you have to push a bowling ball out your butt to top it all off.  I know I sure wouldn't want to do that. 

I remember my wife suddenly getting sick when onions would be cooking on the stove or in the oven.  She loves onions in recipies but when she got pregnant, it mader her want to gag.  She wanted to eat more but knew she had to also make sure not to over do it either.  I've known some women that got "morning sickness" so bad that they were literally out of work for a couple of weeks of their pregnancy because they could not keep their food down.  After a while they had no choice but to tough it out and that has to suck. 

With pregnancy there are the miracles as well. Seeing the baby on the ultrasound for the first time or feeling the little feet and hands bump against the moms stomach.  For all of my wife's pregnancies, but especially the first two, I would often come home late after work and she would be sleeping.  I would curl up with her in bed and put my hand on her stomach and it would seem that is when the little girls were the most active.  I love it, love it, love it!  I would push back to see if there was a response.  Sometimes it would seem like I would get one.  Nothing better as your wife is laying so still and you play with the little miracle inside her.  That's something special. 

So I guess I managed to turn mothers day about me.  So in order to redeem myself....first thank you mom for the gift of life and taking care of me all those years.  I look back at the love I try to show my girls and I know that is what you felt and I thank you for that.  I can never repay you for what you have done for me.  Second, thank you to my wife for my three beautiful daughters.  They can be a handful at times.  In fact, today was one of those days as our middle child had a sip of coffee this morning and the hyperness seemed to last her from church right on through supper time tonight.  But I know I will look back on all the times with hearfelt love.

Show your mom and your wife you love them in any way possible. Be it a simple card, calling them, picking a single flower, take the kids for the day, or even clean the house for them, show them what they mean to you, after all they deserve it and they made me the dad I am today. 

And of course, Pioneer Woman, happy mothers day to you as well.  My wife made chili and some damn good brownies, even on mothers day.  Wonder what the Pioneer Woman had? :)

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